#24: RICHARD HEINBERG | Saving the Best of What’s Left of Our Beautiful Planet
This week's guest is Richard Heinberg, best-selling author and Senior Fellow of the Post Carbon Institute.
#23: LEIGH MCCLOSKEY | The Actor Who ReVisioned the Tarot While Saying YES Before the Question Was even Asked
If you flipped on the television at any point during the 1980s, there was a 53% chance that LEIGH MCCLOSKEY's face would magically appear.
#22: STUART SEMPLE | Swapping Fear for Connection
KICKING SAND DOLLARS ALONG THE BEACH OF DESPERATION & LUXURY Stuart Semple is an incredible artist … one of the SNC’s all-time favorites, in fact. If you don’t know his name, odds are good that you’ll recognize his work. About Stuart, Aidan Dune wrote: “There is a r
#21: JOUMANA HADDAD | The Super Nice Big-Mouthed Feminist Atheist Arab Woman who breaks ALL THE TABOOS
Joumana’s life and passions are hard to summarize, so here's Wiki's effort: Joumana Haddad is a Lebanese author, public speaker, journalist and women's rights activist.