CRAIG SWEENEY. He’s done the corporate thing. He’s built successful businesses. He grew up in an era where 50-year-olds were looked at like half-dead zombies whose greatest daily achievements were getting that much closer to a senior discount at the movie theater. But it’s 2022 and 50-somethings are kicking ass in every facet of society, refusing to go quietly into the night. Craig realized there’s a need for a community that emboldens Gen Xers to feel and own their age as a badge of pride…. and so Over50Badass.com was born.
Some Things You WILL ABSOLUTELY Learn About
> Who and why is Craig Sweeney?
> What is Over50Badass?
> The need for intergenerational conversations and teams
> What’s so bad about getting older?
> Are middle-aged men the world’s biggest assholes?
> Respect vs. Politeness
> More hate on LeBron James and the LA Lakers 🙂
Nice Links
- Over 50 Badass > http://www.over50badass.com
- Craig on IG > https://www.instagram.com/craigsweeney/
- Over 50 on IG > https://www.instagram.com/over50badass/