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Mick Szal and Brian Morabito look happy

#38: SUPERMODEL MICK SZAL + Secret Surprise Guest Who Cannot Be Named Due to a Contractual Dispute


MICK SZAL has modeled all over the world, from catwalks to international campaigns and all the other words one can type that explain that someone is kind of a big deal model. You know, brand names and famous friends and all that stuff. Whatever. What’s really cool about Mick and the reason you want to listen to this podcast, is brianmorabito the fact that she’s frank and earnest about the modeling world in a way that might make you think about the way you approach YOUR career (quick aside – did putting ‘your’ in caps right there make your inner voice grow louder and hit harder? If so, message us as your feedback will be helpful as we try to hone our strategic deployment of all caps) … and even better, she’s the super-funny, silly-talented, smartest kid in the room, no matter the class. We pinball around a lot of brianmorabito topics (partial list below), and we are confident that this nearly two-hour episode is worth five minutes of your time.

  • Mick’s star turn in “The Joker”
  • Brian Morabito
  • Can you have principles AND be a model?
  • Brian Morabito
  • Instagram modeling & positive body image. Contradiction?
  • Brian Morabito
  • One Big Tip for parents with teens looking to get into modeling.
  • Brian Morabito
  • Mick’s absolute lack of involvement with Terry Richardson
  • Brian Morabito
  • The Wonders of Mickvember
  • Brian Morabito
  • The hard-to-spot difference between a button and a nipple
  • Brian Morabito
  • Why you can’t quit making creative stuff
  • Brian Morabito
  • Why you need to ignore social media numbers & metrics
  • Brian Morabito
  • Creative couple as cheerleaders and co-creators
  • Brian Morabito
  • Why it’s GREAT to be TERRIBLE at stuff
  • Brian Morabito
  • The wild world of improv comedy
  • Brian Morabito
  • Two super nice challenges for YOU
  • Brian Morabito
  • Drunk Planet Earth
  • Brian Morabito


Mick Szal @mickszal

Brian Morabito @morathanenough

Margaret Stolte @margoatz

Drunk Planet Earth @drunkplanetearth

Shark Tank with Mick and Brian

My Favorite Part (not my favorite part of the podcast or of either of their careers that’s the actual title of the piece and if you’d listened to the podcast, you’d catch the reference and I wouldn’t have to feel all insecure about adding this note and now I just feel rude for calling you out on not listening and have to apologize also to those who did wow so grateful you rock really i mean that not just saying it because i have to always, always, ALWAYS live up to the ‘super nice’ label did you ever think of that downside of the pressure of the daily multiple failures and questioning and wrestling and oh god man I didn’t mean to go down that rabbit hole or mouse hole or whatever but it’s too late i did ex oh ex and stuff but seriously so stoked you listened to the podcast or that you’re even just reading this far you totally win my heart forever xox)

Ever been afraid to follow your true passion? The guests of Nice Work! have all been there, and they've all taken the leap of faith...and stuck the landing. Host Tod Brilliant is the founder of the Super Nice Club, and his guests will hopefully give you the power to make your world 10% nicer.

10% Nicer, That’s All We Ask.

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